newborn, newborn mini, newborn in-home, maternity + maternity mini, 2-in-1 seasonal, family prep, milestone prep.
Included in these easy to read guides is welcome paragraphs, pre-session instructions, what to expect at the session down to every detail, and a thank-you page!
The tone of the packet is informative, but conversational and gentle — increasingly clients are moving away from business like transactions and wanting to feel valued…as they should be!
The Prep Packet is easily customizable only through the Canva app or website, and can be saved as JPEGS or a PDF file, but also can be saved for printing or printed through the Canva app / website
*While we do not offer any refunds or exchanges we’d be happy to help you troubleshoot any problems that you may have.
– Please note: access to private facebook group is NOT permitted to those mentoring and/or teaching other photographers. Furthermore, be sure to read the terms of use on the main shop page as well as frequently asked questions before purchase.