Ambrose Schneider | Website Design
Website Design & Branding for Photographers
Hey, Collective fam! I'm Ambrose and some of you might already know me, I've been hanging around the Collective for about 3 years now helping Rachel run the operations of this program. Website building + branding is my bread and butter and I'm sooooo excited to be jumping in here with you today as a Guest Feature to teach about my process!
I know to some of you, building a website makes you want to claw your eyes out, but I’m gonna break this process down to make it as painless as possible. I want to preface this by saying: whether you are planning to design a website from the ground up, customize a template, or hire a designer to do it for you, this guest feature video is a great resource to find your voice in the process.
Be sure to download the workbook guide before getting started and as always feel free to comment on the #askambrose thread in the Private Collective Facebook Group to get feedback or CC on your website! I'm so pumped to take a look at what you all create!
Course Type
These videos are exclusive to the Rachel Vanoven Collective Monthly/Yearly Membership!